I didnt know that you could only have 1 exotic armor and 1 exotic weapon equipped at the same time, im new to the game but i havent seen a warning that said you cant equip more than one exotic armor until the moment i tried to equip the chest of the alpha lupi on my titan. I got really butthurt and dismantled it hoping it would give me my coins back but obviously it didnt which is why im here. is there anyway I could get my coins back, I really want to buy suros regime but now that those coins are wasted its impossible for me to get it this week :\ and I put in so much work this week only to have all those coins wasted. Please help. Also if there is anyway to refund stuff without opening a ticket like this im sorry im just too dumb to find these things, and if there is one if someone could tell me how to refund xD. thanks.
managed to do 25 strikes and a nightfall strike in 1 day got bad juju so im fine now :) - level 28 titan half way to 29 lf clan / vog team, ps4 - have mic. im full legendary/exotics. psn: AJ_2290
If you delete your character and turn off your ps4 then when you get back on the coins should be there.
It definitely warns you in-game before you ever get your hands on an exotic, and again when you first get one.
Nope. Coins aren't too hard to rack up, though. Even more so now: see Bungie's lastest weekly update. They are fixing Rare and Legendary drops to give you an item equal to a Blue or Purple.
Looks like your going to have to make a deal.... With the cryptarch.
No refunds
Yea... You -blam!-ed up, and -blam!- ups are permanent.
No refunds, no getting it back. Until Xur carries it again or you get it in a drop