I am colorblind. This doesn't mean I see in black & white but some colors blend and I can't tell the difference. This is causing me to have issues with the radar. There a often times I cannot see the red on the radar depending on what is in the background. I know there many other problems and weapon balancing that needs to be adressed. I feel that this could be and easy fix. Just simply and in the setting option to change the radar background.
That's a good request OP. Can't believe they didn't have it to begin with
I like the toggle idea to make the radar different colours it will help you guys and also provide a slice of customisation at the same time. I would love to change my radar to green and black for instance.
Editado por ltkx: 10/14/2014 1:36:19 AMDoesn't like the radar or isn't effective at using it. Blames being Colorblind. Just say you want the radar removed or a gametype with no radar. No shame in that. Better than claiming I didn't know they were there. I couldn't smell them coming. I must be smell blind. I don't like the radar system myself. It is hard to tell friends from enemies sometimes. See how easy that was? Lmao. Not colorblind.
It could be as simple a fix as adding a toggle on/off switch in options. Or like in fallout you can change the HUD colour of your pipboy in options.
Bump bump
Right there with you. I'm legally blind and color blind and really would like to have an option to move the radar in the HUD. Can't even see it in the corner. Or introduce game modes without it.
Support. My father is colorblind so has to deal with these things when gaming.
Doesn't affect me, but 100% support.
I'm not color-blind, but the game should accomodate for those that are. I agree that this needs to be addressed (most other shooters, if not all, have this as an option).
I feel you...
Yeah the radar is fine for me but shields are a different matter. I didn't know there are different types of shields cause they all look the same to me lol.. I would like the health meter and shield meter to say what type it is. Blues are my weakness. I think blues are purples and vice versa. Help me lol
If the radar was opaque it would help a lot. Tired of positioning the radar over something dark.
Yep, not color blind here, but color deficient... that being said, would love to press a button for color blind mode for the radar.
Excellent idea, I could really use that. I'm colorblind.
I run into that problem at times. Main problem I have is I can't tell rare from legendary engrams. So few companies seem to remember the people who are color blind but hopefully Bungie adds something soon for it.
Editado por Rynoceros: 10/13/2014 11:14:54 PMNot to belittle your plight but, that radar isn't all that helpful anyways. I assure you, you're not missing much.
I'm not colorblind. But this would be a great addition for those who need it. Games like cod have had this option for years.
Editado por BitMeIntoParts: 10/13/2014 9:28:23 PMI find I usually need to move around until the radar is against a black background (shadows or whatever). Not ideal. I also can't tell the difference between a blue and purple engram when they drop (not that this is much of a problem :D)
Back on topic. Lets bump to get the color scheme fixed. Hope i was clearer for the "dumb".
Out of every complaint and issue people have with this game I feel as though this one is one of the more important issues, and needs to be seen by bungie and fixed asap
Bump. Help our blind brothers see! Bump this thread!
Same here. And I cant always tell the if a enemy has a void or arc shield