Seriously guys? What's with all the hate towards other because their choice of weapon isn't to your liking? It's kind of silly considering the game pushes you to use different weapons or attacks (through bounties). I understand it's human nature to always have to be right, or top dog but it's such a waste to criticize. If the player uses a weapon that doesn't end up killing you, it's fine, totally left alone by your opinions. But, if someone defeats you, it's immediately because of their 'n00b weapon' or 'cheap' choice of firearm.
Nerf this, buff that sure, maybe a few things need adjusting, but you realize you are playing a game as it exists right NOW. a player isn't going to abandon a weapon because someone else calls a cheap shot on them. Learn to adjust your play style accordingly and hope to find an upper hand somehow. I'm not a perfect player, but I hold my own and try to roll with the punches. Everyone seems to want everything to go their way, and maybe you'd have more fun if you'd all realize that the world doesn't work that way.
I suppose this post is hypocritical, a post whining about whiners...funny isn't it?
Can't we just have fun?
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