publicado originalmente en:Destiny Ladies
Come One Come Alll!
I have created a clan for all the Female Gamers out there who want to meet and game with other female gamers (Wooh) this Clan is for all the gaming platforms just search in groups for 'Destiny Ladies' and ask to join!
All the gaming platforms are running an active part of the Clan, so if you Join 'Destiny Ladies' will appear in your player bar proudly advertising you are one of us! Rahhh!
To request to join 'Our Band of Merry Women!' see below!
If you are searching on the App hit the icon on the home page in the top left hand corner (looks a bit like a credit card) then use the search icon (magnifying glass) and search 'Destiny Ladies' should show up in the group section (I chose the only pink pick available)
If your online just follow the link: []
We don't need a dick to have balls!
Hey I am a boy but I'm posting on behalf of my mum! She's been an avid Xbox gamer for years and she is pretty skilled! But she is really really shy of how the Xbox community is towards females so she doesn't use the app for raids or night falls or weeklys she simply just doesn't do them because she's worried that she'll do bad and people will abuse her witch I've told her wont happen I've never come into contact with people like that on this game, I saw your clan on one of my adventures a while ago and lost the name but I saw it again and thought I have to post for her ! So would you perhaps accept my mum into your clan she would love the raids and the gear she's been raiding on world of Warcraft running her own guild for years now but it's gotten boring for her she needs to freshen it up and destiny is the perfect game so I hope she can join your clan and raid with you wonderful women !
I'd like to join! I have no one to play with anymore! On Xbox one :)
I'd love to join your clan! I've been looking to kick some more arse with some other women! I'm on a ps4 and I'm US mountain time. COLORADO, YO! Lol. Feel free to add me chaos_kid187
Hi :) I'm a female gamer. I'm trying to join a all girls clan so I can have other girls to play with. I'm on PS4 and I have a mic. I'd love to join if you'll have me.
Hi yall
La la la destiny la la la destiny
Psn clan The R3GULATORS we are a bunch of chill dudes who just love to play. However we get all we need to do done. Such as beating skolas or going to the lighthouse on trials. If a member needs help we help them. We all communicate through mics and are in a group chat on kik which you will be invited to if you join. All genders are invited. We dont want anyone to feel like they cant join. We are fun but we are also mature. We are not the type of guys who hit on girls on the game most of us are in relationships and we just want a lot of people to join to grow stronger as a clan. We will play with you personally before being accepted to the clan
Hi, I'm a girl looking to join a female group since men are so difficult to play with. I requested to join last week so I'm just wondering if there might be any room for me.
[quote]CALLING ALL THE 'DESTINY LADIES'! Come One Come Alll! I have created a clan for all the Female Gamers out there who want to meet and game with other female gamers (Wooh) this Clan is for all the gaming platforms just search in groups for 'Destiny Ladies' and ask to join! All the gaming platforms are running an active part of the Clan, so if you Join 'Destiny Ladies' will appear in your player bar proudly advertising you are one of us! Rahhh! To request to join 'Our Band of Merry Women!' see below! If you are searching on the App hit the icon on the home page in the top left hand corner (looks a bit like a credit card) then use the search icon (magnifying glass) and search 'Destiny Ladies' should show up in the group section (I chose the only pink pick available) If your online just follow the link: [] We don't need a dick to have balls![/quote]
So many guys tryin to join when the lady said female clan what sad people people man oh good luck with ur clan :)
Hey y'all, Makgadigadi here. I just started a clan today (The Eta Aquariids) with my friend hempman90, and one of our primary philosophies is equality. As you may know, the gaming industry is tragically dominated by guys where women are underrepresented and so far as to being harasshed and repressed. Read this, it's an interesting blog post by a female gamer: Anyway, I'd like to combat this stupid inequality and bring forth the women even more. As one of the criteria in our clan, we're striving for an equal quota between men and women. So, girls, if any of you think our clan suits you, where we want to emphasize equality, then please message either me (Makgadigadi) or hempman90. Age limit is 20+ for membership. Best Marios
Hello I'm a fun "young teen" and I on ps4 i play a lot and love having fun. I'm a guy so that throws this off but I have a almost lvl 32 warlock lvl 29 Titan and lvl 27 hunter I'm on all and yeah :D Psn: Charzard26
Hey I'm new to destiny lvl 6 titan have a pretty good idea on what to do looking for mature female gamers to play with psn G_FiLeS_WiFey actually a female
Hi happy Easter everyone im a nice guy wanting to make some female friends on ps4 I also love helping people on anything and just looking for people to chat with. I'm sry to interrupt ur thread and I hope everyone has a good day and be safe today on Easter Hunter: 31 Warlock :31 Titan:8 Gt: Enforcher_Hound1
Depends if it's on a PS3...
Looking for girls interested in joining a clan founded on community based qualities. Let me know if you are interested on Xbox One.
I usually only play with my other half and a cple chill girls I found via instagram. Ps4 jnv1002 PSN :)
I have a warlock level 24 and hunter 6 on ps4 need people to some people to play with, ProudMommy2912
Anything i say will generate man-hate FILL MY TEAR JAR
Are you looking for a ps4 clan focused on casual gaming and enjoying the game? Would you like help leveling up a new character? Then come check us out at we play daily mostly on strikes and raids. Beginners are always welcome here and as soon as we get up and established we've been discussing one night a week everyone working on a new character so they're not as hard to level. If you're looking for a mlg pro destiny clan this is NOT the clan for you. We focus on enjoying the game. The only requirement is to have a mic. Come check us out and help our clan get off the ground!
I am female and I am in a clan already but I am always looking to expand my horizons and meet new people. I play xbox 360... I have a level 30 warlock and level 4 hunter... I play with my fiance sometimes but I am starting to branch out a bit in order to advance further into the game... Would like to meet some friendly yet mature people. Mic=yes GT- Darkamaryntheia
Girl gamer with mic add me ladies only
I would like to join. I'm a man, but I'm married, so I'm basically a woman, lol. But I'm looking to have fun and play some destiny.
Hi may I join the clan ? I'm on Ps4. Please :)
Editado por ChILdIsh Atari: 2/25/2015 4:56:46 PMHi names Atari. I'm an extremely nice guy very chill with a very high lvl of skill in the crucible. Was just wondering if I could play some games with u. I've been looking for some skilled ppl to run crucible with I am in a clan for now but thinking about leaving it soon. If I can't join u guys it's no hard feelings ^_^ I just want to spread the joy I have in crucible with everyone. Oh btw my gt is my name on here and I'm on 360.
Editado por abcd: 2/8/2015 3:05:39 PM