Howdy ladies and gents, I posted this topic in order to not only get some feedback from my fellow Titan Players, but to maybe help bring to light some possible issues with the Catapult lift perk to the public and hopefully to Bungie. I'm curious as to how many Titan players actually use the catapult feature. To risk the inevitable backlash of some, I feel that Catapult is a bit...lacking as a jump perk, especially compared to the Hunter and Warlock's Blink perk.
[b]This post isn't about who's better than who, or to bash other players for their class choice and set up.[/b]
After using all the Titan's Lift features excessively, I feel (and remember this is just one man's opinion) that out of all of them the Catapult Lift is probably the weakest. I've come to find out that there is indeed a quick boost in lift speed, but it seems to be a rather miniscule difference compared to the default lift. I've found it to be ineffective compared to Increased Height and Increased control in both PVE and PVP.
I am primarily a PVE player, but from time to time I will dabble into the PVP side of things (for bounties and to play with my friends). I would like to hear from you, the community if you feel that this Catapult perk should be tweaked a little bit, drastically, or if you feel that it is fine the way it is then by all means tell us.
In order for this game to improve (particular the smaller things like minor tweaks and such to help improve gameplay) we need to speak up, but we need to do it in a manner where we don't appear to be a bunch of hate mongering rage machines lol. I know the rage is real with some things, believe me.
The Poll is to see just how many people use which Lift Perks and hopefully to find out why and maybe to share with others (new players and veterans) tips and tricks to improve effectiveness in both PVE and PVP. I'll be peering in as often as I can, let the discussions begin!
I love my titan's increased jump height. Catapult is some kinda joke. Maybe if I could shoulder bash quicker I would see an advantage.
Catapult is non-essential in every way. Blink and shotgun from both Warlock and Hunter outclass Titan pvp capabilities immensely. Titan shoulder charge is no match for shotties.
I found the last Titan lift perk very underwhelming. I didn't really notice a difference. Switched it back to the directional one. It could definitely use a tweak.