Hello Bungie, Guardians, I'll give you a small quick suggestion.
As it stands, some crucible games you dominate but your entire team gets destroyed and you end up losing with the highest score.
Some games you get destroyed, some games your whole team dominates 20,000 to 8000 etc.
What if that were different.
If newbie players got matched with newbie players, they would enjoy crucible as they wouldn't get destroyed.
If good players faced good players with a team of good players, games would be close, challenging and fun.
If the Crucible had a ranking system, imagine a 10 or 20 rank system. I might be rank 15 or 16, pros would be 20, noobs would start from 1 and average players around 10.
This would have more people playing crucible, more people fighting to get better, more fun matches and less of this team destroying other team bs that stops a lot of people playing it as they don't enjoy getting killed over and over.
Deej, please respond.
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