Which one are you? And tell me why you feel the way you do.
I'm pro choice, I believe that women have the right to choose whether or not they want to have a child.
Edit 1: instead of replying to this post I received messages instead. It's just an opinion don't be afraid to have one. ;)
I don't think a video game forum is the place for a political debate, especially this one in particular. Destiny is my escape from politics.
Should probably go into the offtopic section....
I won't touch this topic with a four foot coat hanger. Staying out of this one.
Not really Destiny related but I'm Pro Choice. I also dislike the term pro-life, surely the opposite of Pro - choice is Anti - choice?
Pro choice, its your child, your choice. Better to have an abortion than have a child you regret and dislike
#off-topic But in all seriousness I think abortion should legal as long as it is before the third trimester or earlier when the abortion takes place. Of course both "parents" should have to consent to this first though.
Pro-biotic all the way!
Pro life all the way! I'm a Catholic who loves babies and children, abortion is sinful and people who are Pro Abortion are seriously screwed up!
Wrong forum
I'm pro-life in the sense that I don't believe abortion should take place outside of extreme situations (-blam!-,ect.)...on the other hand I understand the pro-choice side and why people do it. If its something that you want to do and can live with then by all means rock on. I did a long time ago come up with an advertising slogan for abortion clinics "If ya can't afford it...ya gotta abort it". It would never be used but I enjoy dark humor from time to time.
This kind of post can only provoke thoughtful and insightful responses. I'll be right back, gotta get my popcorn out of the microwave.