I was wondering: Has anyone out there found or heard of a legendary hand canon with 331 attack available with similar stat distribution to The Devil You Know? I know Fatebringer is better and has similar stats, but I never had any luck getting that one, so my point of reference is TDYN, and I'm looking to get my primary upgraded before CE Hard mode drops.
look at my hunter. or warlock. both great handcannons
331 hand cannons go something like this: 1) word of Crota 2) timur's lash because you can roll your own perks 3) any RNG hand cannon that you get a good perk set on 4) the vendor chance from FWC 5) TFWPKY vendor version 6) other. If you are looking to farm an RNG hand cannon, you are best off going new monarchy because the red hand has the best stats. If you are looking to buy, the chance is better than TFWPKY, which is better than the devil you don't.
I would definitely recommend the hand cannon from the crucible vendor: TFWPKY1969. It is very similar to The Devil You know.
I think the chance from fwc is the current faction contender
Editado por Argonaut101: 1/6/2015 3:50:05 PMEasy one this . TFWPKY 1969 My main primary 1 shot kills almost everything 10 magazine VERY long range side by side comparison with my maxed out Devil You Know they're identical in stats
A buddy picked up a Red Hand IX from last weeks nightfall with Zen Moment, Send It, and Final Round. He raves about how good it is, but i have no actual proof for myself.
Editado por RedVulpes369: 1/14/2015 1:38:32 AMGet the new monarchy one or TFWPKY 1969.
D2: Time Wasting Simulator - antiguos
I think the New Monarchy hand cannon is a beast although the name escapes me ATM. I haven't had a new hand cannon in a long time. Fatebringer just won't drop and I'm about all grinded out. -
The Devil you don't with field scout
The Devil You Don't?
Look at Red Hand IX on my character ... a beast of a weapon ... has great perks ...
Red Hand IX (my personal choice) Devil You Don't (non vanguard version) also good and then as u mentioned the crucible 1969
The Chance is decent, but it's best to get it from an engram and pray for a mag booster and a range booster. Mine only has 6 rounds sadly, but it does have send it and range finder, I use it when I'm not using thorn.
TFWPKY 1969 The Chance Venation Red Hand
Tfwpky 1969 it can be bought from the crucible quartermaster
Hawkmoon :)
Just got The Devil You Don't with Return to Sender and Explosive Rounds perks. My buddy had been using TFWPKY with explosive rounds and it is a beast.
Editado por ironmanpilks: 1/6/2015 7:09:56 PMDead orbits venation 3 is good I got it with field scout, outlaw and 3rd eye so it now has a 13 round mag and quick reloads,it is a beast
Red X comes close
I rolled a Devil You Don't with field scout, clown cartridge and luck in the chamber. Pretty much exactly like my TDYK
Red hand new monarchy hand cannon , It's on my Titan and the explosive rounds are just delightful ..
The new Timur's Lash from Iron Banner will be the shiz
I got a devil you don't with field scout, last round deals bonus, and I really like it. If it had firefly I wouldn't use another weapon.
i wish bro, i wish....(sobs)