Hello Bungie, I've done everything on your help faq, contacted you and activision through Facebook twitter and these forum boards, and I still DO NOT have the stunt tumbler sparrow as advertised and promised by you.
I've redownloaded. Still no sparrow.
What do i have to do to get your attention for players like me? I have the digital guardian edition on Xbox one, and have done all recommended troubleshooting fixes, and STILL NO SPARROW. I've checked postmaster daily even the special orders where my custom ghost and legendary ship came from, and STILL NO SPARROW!
CAN WE GET SOME SORT OF PATCH TO WHERE THIS THING IS INCLUDED IN THE NEXT UPDATE!? I paid 90 dollars and would like to get all the things i was supposed to get. Its bad enough i feel cheated doing nightfalls and see people get exotics while i get fluff like shards, don't cheat me out of something i paid for and was promised.
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