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Hablemos de Destiny.
2/9/2015 7:04:35 AM

Really Bungie? I wanna play my way

[quote]Seriously, the last 3 months of Destiny's updates revolved around control freaks. The Assault Rifle gets used because people like it, not because it's OP. Stop changing the game because we don't play the way you want Bungie. [b]This isn't 1994[/b], gamers are supposed to [b]have choices[/b], not according to Bungie though. [b] They'll break their own game before letting us enjoy it our way[/b] Instead you pretend to listen to our feedback, then try to distract us from the actual problems. [b]Heavy ammo, [/b]we're not going to forget about it. Raid glitches, they're[b] still there[/b]. NAT issues, Vault Space, Raid weapons that can't even use their damn perks... [b]You guys will ignore all of that, just to force us to use pulse rifles more often?[/b] Pathetic. Then the excuses, which are more pathetic than your attitude towards your consumer. "We can't install this update without worrying about turning your character in to a sweeper bot..." Interesting, because the [b]secret updates and nerfs seem to magically appear in days, [/b]without changing us. You seem to be able to stop the cheesing in days. The nerfs will be on Tuesday... [b]Everything that detriments us, takes days. Anything that benefits us? "We're listening guardian, maybe we'll look at it at the end of next month"[/b] Every stunt like this,[b] I would guess you lose 2% of your player base.[/b] (without replacing it). How many do you think you can pull? Do you think Destiny 2 is going to get pre ordered? I doubt it, severely. Even worse, who you listen to is what bothers me even more. Those kids on youtube that get all the hits for playing. That's your ears to the ground. These people. You're listening to spoiled brats on youtube who have been getting their way since day 1. Real cute Bungie. [b] "Oh well they get 12 million views, they must be popular..."[/b] Wonderful, those kids are[b] just as successful as Nickelback and the [url=]-godwinslaw!-[/url] party[/b]. Clever move taking update advice from these types... This game is PvP for me, and I assume come the next update, it won't even be that, because now Pulse Rifles will be the new OP and everything else is going to blow... This is the longest April Fool's Joke I've ever been in.[/quote]

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