Editado por pwstr007: 8/17/2015 2:28:20 PMWell it was a good run guy, the rules just broke us so we broke the rules back. Lesson learned? Dont try and use Crota weapons in the Vault. LoL Thanks to you guys that stepped up last min to filled the open spots.
In orbit and waiting
just a reminder for those that are partaking of this raid that it is TONIGHT or in about 9 hrs depending on your place in the world. Be sure to check the rules site out cause well, Briggs likes being wordy and there are a lot of reasons to drink. Catch you in the stars Little Lights.
Hello Friday Night Lights. Just a heads up. The weapon specifics is Crota raid weapons only. Start farming the raid if your missing items. Good luck and see you in the vault Saturday.
I'd like to point out that I was in the inaugural drinking challenge group, and I'm still here (the good ones stuck around)! That being said, I should be in, but, as with the last few, I'll have to keep it light on the drinking. Hard to take care of the kids if I'm blacked out! These are always a blast.
If there is an open spot when I get back from baseball friday night, I am so in for this. I will have been pre-drinking for a few hours so it will be easy to catch up. Should be online around 11 - 11:30 EDT.
Count me in.
You're actually letting briggs get his way again?