publicado originalmente en:Seventh Conflux
It seems a bit unfair that we have to work five days and only get two off, so Monday's are pretty depressing. How did you ease your suffering of getting back to work/school? Personally, nothing beats a breakfast of champions.
I wake up
Took the family to Disney Pretty well
[i] *puts on an antic disposition* [/i] I slept.
Made £1000 at 4:20am on Monday, did some late night binary options trading. [spoiler]Seriously.[/spoiler] My day started well.
Mowing the grass...
Tired and sick of dealing with idiots
Nothing special. Had doritos :3
I started today off by thinking it was Sunday.
I started my second day of food poisoning.
Cheerios and severe chills
Why is working 5 days a week unfair?
I started it with a Materials Science Final.
I work 6 days. Monday is my only day off. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
Stay home. [spoiler]wort[/spoiler] [spoiler]wort[/spoiler]
My teacher called me whiny and spoiled...but I unlocked the bacta bomb on battlefront and that made me happy
Editado por FTG HaloFreek: 5/16/2016 5:33:37 PMI started my Monday by reminding myself this is the last Monday of the school year
Sitting in homeroom for 2+ hours because of testing.
With a hangover
Drinking bleach
Editado por jgunit: 5/17/2016 6:36:13 AMby not knowing its Monday
Tying the noose.
Uncapping my bleach.
Editado por GeorgeHamburger: 5/16/2016 5:56:30 PMWith some black-tar heroin straight into my shaft