publicado originalmente en:United Guardian Alliance
I remember when this group was exploding with topics, and everyone in this group was active. It saddens me to see this group so much as the opposite of that. I had lots of fun here, though I'm sure everyone did in the golden age...
It's Birthday day for UGA.
Lol I came back to see if it was still running. Guess so...
I loved this group. That's why I stayed. So many memories made. All over because of [i]one[/i] bastard. [spoiler]Zubb The Zombie[/spoiler]
You're right. I had a great time but this place just wasn't up to speed. Not only that but constant conflicts and Bungie continuously screwing with the site/app also screwed up progress. It was really my fault though as i started to lose the flame that made me want to start the UGA in the first place and Destiny being a let down dealt the final blow. At least we can look back and say we made a difference.
Yeah it was a great time here