Xbox 360 5pm till 10pm weekdays central time. Usually anytime on the weekends.
6pm to 12mid central time
I can do raids anytime between 5pm -5am just got E.I started. Nova scotia.
I will do it may time around 12-5pm or just message me and I hope I can do the raid:)
Can do raids anytime from 5pm-10pm eastern during week (I'd rather not tho) and like 1pm-11pm weekends depending if I have time
Sunday-Thursday anytime between 8:30pm-12:30am (EST). Friday and Saturdays depend on what I'm doing and such, but you'll see me on most of the day/night.
Im usually on during the weekends, but on weekdays im on from 2-4 pst
Whenever I'm on
Anytime From 4-8 On Weekdays 7 On saturday and all day Sunday
Live in FLORIDA. 5PM-7PM weekdays and usually all day on Sunday.
After 7 est time on weekdays. I am back and forth on the weekends, so Pretty much anytime I'm online.
I can only raid from Fridays after 6 pm Eastern till midnight Sundays
I live in PEI, Canada and my time zone is [b]Atlantic Standard Time[/b]. My usual raid times are Monday-Friday between 9am-5pm and some random times on the weekends. I usually have my daughter over on the weekends so I don't go online much.
If I'm working I'm on 20:30-22:00 If I'm off 20:30-22:00 and then 23:15-we finish what we are doing UK based so gmt time zone
Oh I'm central. 8pm central usually is when I get on for llong periods.
I prefer later. After 8 or so.