publicado originalmente en:Team Struggle Cuddle
So I see our clan tags include "babies" and "robots." In an effort to prevent this invaluable research project from sputtering at its preliminary stages, I've decided to create some forum space to continue the discussion.
Please add your input or any data collected here.
Any questions may be directed to the Head Researcher Firefly039.
Well, I don't think he has seen it yet. But that is okay!
Should i seriously continue? i have.. other.. experiments.. that i would love to see the results on and could put them here for you all to judge me.
I feel like too much has been said. Collected data may be incriminating at this point.
I'd assume babies being raised by robots would be similar to animals being raised by puppet surrogates at a zoo...
Paging Firefly039. We need your input
What have you started.... don't tell firefly