So I was unable to play destiny yesterday since the internet at my hotel wasn't working.
While I couldn't play, I felt sad and upset that I couldn't do my bounties or the daily. I felt like I missed out.
After I got back home today and played destiny for a few hours, I felt really happy and satisfied.
Something bugs the shit out of me though, that I missed out on one day. The one day I haven't logged in to play since launch. Its really frustrating.
The world hasn't ended, nor has my life. I just feel like this game has taken the top position as my favorite pastime. Its usually some sort of video game anyway(or book, movie, TV, board game, music), its just interesting that a game designed to be so monotonous can leave me wanting to come back again and again.
I think they found out a way to inject crack into my eyeballs, just from looking at my TV screen.
Thoughts are welcome and thanks for reading my first post.
I appologize if this ends up in the wrong category.
Edit: You guys are awesome. Thanks for all the comments so far :)
Edit 2: Holy shit guys we're trending the top 10. Way to go addicts lol
Edit 3: When I created this post, it was mainly for my own need to address my connection to this game. I felt I needed a way to see how far down the rabbit hole I had gone, so to speak.
I welcome all comments regarding others personal attachments (or detachments) from all types, not just gaming. We are all capable of indulging too much in something we enjoy. The key is to not let it consume you and find help if you feel it might.
That's the hardest part for me. Identifying and admitting when I start to indulge too much.
The comments posted here since this began have allowed me to see that WE are not alone. WE are united.
I want to thank everyone for their support, their information, their stories and personal experiences. Its you guys that I'm addicted to. You guys make this game fun.
Now get the F out of here before I roll you all up and smoke you.
I'm not going to deny it: I'M ADDICTED TO DESTINY. I love the game and play it for at least 25 hours a weekend-partially b/c I can't play during week days. However, I tell myself one more round, and it takes severe fatigue, my parents asking me "Think you've had enough?" and a lot of willpower to get off or a neighbor ringing on a doorbell. I love it, but holy cal, I've never been addicted like this and need help. Most youTubers spend 2-3 horus MAX mostly b/c th'ey're adults with jobs and families, but still...
[quote]The one day I haven't logged in since launch[/quote] holy -blam!- take it back a notch
This game was engineered to get you addicted. Mathematically and scientifically produced to elicit a feeling of addiction. Instead of content, Bungie took a page out of psychology 101 and developed a game that your brain feels like it must play even if there isn't a big reward for the time invested. It takes the best and worst parts of a lottery system and hooks you. Miss a day? well you missed out on a ton of material you could have had, a daily you'll never get the engram for or the materials…what if that engram was a good one? You'll never know. So now you have to play harder to make up for the possible deficit. This keeps you playing, if you're playing you'll probably tell friends about it (word of mouth is the best form of marketing). I know the feeling, at the peak of my playing I was hooked. I played almost everyday, it became an issue, I was right there with you. Then I sat down, took a couple days off, really asked myself why I was playing so much, what was left to actually do? I found that I was playing the same stuff EVERYDAY, going to the same f*cking cave to get the same f*cking spirit bloom EVERDAY, doing the same strike EVERYDAY. That is when I stopped playing, I wasn't going to be another mindless fetcher of materials. The initial thrill was great until the hype wore off. The game has tons of potential, I'm glad they didn't live up to any of it…if this mess of a game was getting in the way of RL then just imagine if Destiny was even decent…imagine the issue we would all have then? Most of us would probably lose our jobs lol.
The game will always be there. Find a balance. Don't let other aspects of your life suffer.
This necro is legendary.
Question to every one- How much time do you play a week?
I went several months of playing it without missing a day. I've played since March and have already logged 1680ish hours. All I ever wanted was ice breaker but I started the week after xur last sold it. Every clanmate had duplicates, and I didn't get it until 1 week exact before TTK. Anyway, my roommate got it one night and that was it for me. I raided and played 10x more than him and he never even used it. I stopped playing for a week and thought I might not come back. I did, or course, but I wish I had kept my streak going.
Try porn my friend :) -[i]Pink Guy[/i]
I feel your pain "Guardians" ( always wanted to say that) I have the same issue. Also during TTK launch I was away from Destiny for 29 days ( Work) and that was by far the worst thing that I have went through.
Edited by HyperVigiIant: 11/2/2015 1:33:17 AMMost players are addicted to the game in the sense that they spend excessive amounts of time playing it on a regular basis to get the ideal gear in order for them to feel a sense of accomplishment.
Edited by Ezekeil2Ofive17: 12/19/2014 1:08:08 AMaddiction of any kind is not healthy I can understand and empathise with you completely I was addicted to cigarettes, now I smoke a an e cig, not had a cigarette in 8 months and now the thought of one turns my stomach, I know l have kind of swapped one monkey on my back for a cheaper less harmful monkey but l feel better, it was hard but worth it try not playing for one day a week, then 2 days a week and so on until you find a balance you can live with, try replacing your gaming time with reading, find a subject you enjoy, I like to read historical biographies they hold my attention and again l feel better ,thats what I do and it works for me but everyone is different I wish you every success its never easy to break any addiction but with support its never impossible
You are
Dude quit with me quick
You must have the same OCD complex I have. I went on vacation for two weeks about a month ago. While the vacation was great, there was definitely a part of me that was jonesing for some Destiny. I think they might have actually added some subliminal messaging into the games coding, because I can't put it down no matter how repetitive it is....
I too am completely addicted to Destiny! I, however, have only been playing for a few weeks. I'm married with kids & a full time job. I have to get up around 6:00 am to leave my house at 6:30 am for work. Now that I own a PS3 and Destiny, I get up around 4:30 am to play. Also, I wanted to play last night but my kids wanted to play Minecraft. I let them but I was kinda pissed the whole time...
Im addicted 2
I think sometimes about calling in at work just to get some things out of the way in the game. But then I remember that I really like money.
I don't like how destiny is consuming my life haha. O well
I lost it at inject crack into your eyeballs xD
I'm in a weird place. I feel great after I play crucible, and that leaves me wanting to go play the story to get more guns for more experimenting in crucible. But then when I play the story or raids, I usually just feel....unfulfilled. it's so strange, I keep thinking I enjoy it but I just feel hollow when I'm done. One time after spending an hour on the omnigul nightfall I just sat back and thought "what am I doing with my life??". Anyone else ever get that?
Don't worry, I feel that way to. It just feels like your behind. Because destiny you need to play daily basically. Do the daily activities, do weekly activities for the week, bounties everyday, arms day weapons on Wednesday, and bounties can only be completed/ turned in on certain days. There's just so much stuff it makes you feel behind.
Edited by Scuba_Steve1984: 7/2/2015 3:30:22 PMI, too, have been subjected to the addiction machine that is Destiny! Since day one, I haven't been able to play another game and my backlog continues to grow in size due to my other addiction to collect games. On the contrary, I would rather be addicted to a video game, then a real drug, or alcohol.
I was addicted bounties nightfall vog Crota everything but now I do trials once vog once and maybe a nightfall haven't done bounties in like 3 months i still enjoy the game just not as much
Hi, my name is Bill, and I am addicted to Destiny. Before Destiny, the last FPS I played was Goldeneye on N64. I was hesitant to buy Destiny for that reason alone; but one of my good friends kept pushing to buy it; needless to say, peer pressure is a motha... I didnt buy the game new, picked up a used copy from Gamestop, figured if I didn't like it, I am out $15 less dollars. After about 30 minutes of playing the game, I forgot that it was a FPS and was completely intrigued by the game. My first patrol through the cosmodrome took place around 3am cst and there werent many Guardians on my map. I didnt know what I was doing, dregs and vandals running around, thinking about being alone in an environment full of enemies was intense and captivating. Each day that I play the game I fell more in love with it. I thoroughly enjoyed it, prior to Destiny, I was all about that GTAV life... to date, I havent played GTA since before the heist release.. I have never had as much fun playing a video game as I do playing Destiny. Just when I thought the game couldnt get any better; I happened upon and joined Alpha Company 85. This took my enjoyment to a new level; the group of guys/gals that are in my group/clan are truly amazing. We play regularly just about everyday and I feel like my circle of friends has expanded. We are all like minded and have terrific conversations that span beyond the world of Destiny. The Destiny community is something I never new existed but now I cannot picture playing Destiny without it. We find new ways to enjoy the game together, just recently we began holding Raid Races where you can GET PAID TO RAID. I am a Mod, and one of our other Mods suggested that we hold Raid Races. 2 or more fireteams start a raid at the same time and the first team to beat the boss wins. Then that winning teams votes on an MVP, and that MVP receives a PSN gift card code for $20 provided by one of the Mods. There is nothing to gain here but fun, nobody is trying to earn profit, just increase the amount of fun that we share together. The generosity and support among our group I feel is second to none. Our the100 group is Alpha Company 85 and our official PSN clan is Alpha 85 Reloaded. We are a close group that welcomes all who want to maximize their fun potential while playing Destiny. If this appeals to you, and you do not belong to a clan, or are not happy with your clan, visit us, you are more than welcome. I do not intend for this message to be a ruse in order to "promote" our clan, I just wanted to share our experiences as I feel they are unique and are a testimony to the great Destiny community. Just the other day I was patrolling Venus knocking out some Queens bounties when I happened upon a group of 5 that was trying to enter VOG. I noticed they were struggling to get the spire erected. I hopped off my sparrow and lent a hand in knocking out the Praetorians. Instantly I received party and game invitations, unfortunately I did not have time for a raid, but I stayed until they had the spire up. This was just a chance encounter, yet it resulted in me befriending some really good Guardians. They were very welcoming and appreciative of my assistance and expressed their gratitude. To me, this is another example of the extraordinary Destiny community. Though I love playing Destiny I feel my addiction is bittersweet in the essence that I do not play any other games. I wanted to buy Battlefield, The Witcher, Arkham Knight, but I didn't because I knew they would just be collecting dust right next to Dying Light on my shelf. I wish I had more time to play these games, but honestly, I think I would just play more Destiny. The game is great, but the community is greater. If any of you are like minded and enjoy playing this great game, feel free to add me or join our group, my tag is, LTsMIGHTYMIDGETS. Take care of each other Guardians, kill them dead!