To clarify I am Atheist but this topic has confused me because both groups are denominations of Christianity.
1) From my understanding Protestants don't consider Catholics Christian they just are Catholics.
a) One of the reasons being they worship Mary kind of like God which is like worshiping a false prophet.
[b]So why do Protestants not consider Catholics Christian?[/b]
Edited by Recon Number 54: 5/18/2015 6:32:55 PMBelief in Jesus Christ as the Messiah = Christian Arguments over nearly everything else = Sectarianism If you want a comparison that is easier to relate to? People who play video games = Gamers People who consider other gamers to not be "real gamers" = self-absorbed douches
Most of us consider you Christian, we just don't agree with praying to Saints.
Edited by balazra: 5/31/2015 4:17:29 PMJews, Christians, sectarians, Muslims, Jehovah witnesses etc... Anyone following on from the book of a single God is basically worshiping the same "Jehovah, God, Allah" anyway. They all just disagree on what the aim at the end is and what to call it. I personally think that the ability to act in a way that betters your surrounding society in a direction that better represents your personal ideas, ( these are usually shaped by the society around you) is all that is required. If believing you'll be rewarded or punished for your effectiveness is a useful motivator for you fine. If there being some higher purpose you have been personally sent forth to achieve, great. If you need reassurance your not alone, fine. I don't really care what your reasoning for achieving your goals is, as long as you try. I support you what ever your reasoning is. However I will judge you by your own standards, I will act according to to your beliefs in regards to yourself. So be warned and be honest of action and word when you meet me for if you don't like being dealt with the way you deal with people you will likely fine I am you worst nightmare. Have a for filling life :)
Catholics follow pointless man made rules and doctrines and then there is just christian. Which a christian does not follow man made rules like dress up when you go to church, come as who you are.
Protestant belief is that Christ is the only thing that can get you to heaven whereas works plays a part in getting there for Catholics
They don't? Who said that?
Because they worship saints and the mother mary
Idol worship
Christian; A Christian is a person who adheres to Christianity, an Abrahamic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. "Christian" derives from the Koine Greek word Christ, a translation of the Biblical Hebrew term mashiach. There are diverse interpretations of Christianity which sometimes conflict. However, "Whatever else they might disagree about, Christians are at least united in believing that Jesus has a unique significance.” By this definition, Catholics are definitely Christian. There might be a lot of squabbling about how to please their god, but the central defining theme is that they follow Christ's teachings to some degree.
Too many idols
Edited by SSG ACM: 5/29/2015 2:19:13 PMHave you seen my Catholic post?[spoiler][/spoiler]
I am a Christian and I have always considered them as Christians. I guess since I'm nondenominational it may be different but I always have considered my Catholic friends Christian.
[url=]At the time of posting this most people don't consider Catholics Christians.[/url] [b]How do you guys feel about this?[/b]
Edited by SSG ACM: 5/24/2015 8:08:00 AMYour Ninja doesn't answer his replies, and apparently, neither do your repliers. How is it even debatable here?
That literally makes no sense. Catholicism was basically the original Christian church and all the others are spin-offs.
Cause they are prideful, and I've noticed this go both ways. I have a fairly religious friend he's a protestant i think anyway, one time he was having a conversation with some dude the dude asked whether he was religious or not my friend answered protestant, catholic dude got up and left without another word.
Protestants are a spin off from our church, Martin luther(not mlk) made it, they did not agree with the Catholic church and some of its views They beleived in pre destination (chose when you are born if you go to heaven or not) There was abuses within the church( not child abuse silly) corruption
To add something else to the conversation as an Orthodox Christian, the irony is that while Catholics are more similar to us Orthodox people at least externally than Protestants are, Catholics are also considered schismatic, heretical, and anathema by the canons of the Orthodox Church whereas Protestants with the exception of John Calvin do not have any anathemas against them. The reason is because Rome willingly committed schism in AD 1054 from the rest of the Church whereas Protestants never belonged to it in the first place and are thus innocent as far as that goes. One of the Church's main canonical charges against Rome is the latter's addition of the Filioque to the Nicene Creed. The canons of I believe the 2nd and 3rd Ecumenical Councils--along with an 8th Ecumenical Council that pre-schism Rome accepted before later repudiating it as a "robber council"--prohibited the alteration of the Nicene Creed except by another Ecumenical Council, declaring anyone who does so anathema. The Filioque was not added by another Ecumenical Council. It was added by a backward synod in Spain at the 3rd Council of Toledo in AD 587, without the participation or approval of the rest of the Church at large. That said, the canons only prohibited the [u]alteration[/u] of the Nicene Creed; not the usage of an altered Creed (unless I missed something). Therefore technically, the Roman Catholic Church is anathema by the canons of the Eastern Orthodox Church whereas Protestants who use the Western Nicene Creed with the Filioque are not anathema since they weren't the ones who made the alteration. The greater irony is that prior to the schism, even though Rome was the one that was anathema by the canons, it was Rome that waged charges against the Eastern Church for our refusal to adopt the Filioque, whereas previously we just turned a blind eye to Rome's uncanonical addition of the Filioque. This is why the first Eastern criticism of the Filioque didn't come until the 9th century with St. Photios the Great, because it wasn't until then that Rome--influenced by the development of the papacy under Charlemagne who hated Greeks--tried to force her authority on the other patriarchates. So yes, even though Roman Catholics are, at least externally, more similar to the Eastern Orthodox Church than Protestants are, the irony is that they are also guiltier at least by virtue of technicality due to the canons of the Eastern Orthodox Church, whereas there are no canonical condemnations or anathemas against Protestantism with the exception of John Calvin. To make it worse, feelings between Orthodox people and Catholics in Europe have been very tense and bad historically. The former hold a lot of grudges against the latter because N@zi sponsored Uniate/Eastern Catholic groups during World War II used to massacre Orthodox people. There are stories of large groups of civilians being asked to Cross themselves by these groups, and the ones who would Cross themselves from right-to-left--the Orthodox--would be shot while the left-to-right Uniates would be spared. In turn, Orthodox people in recent times have acted out against Eastern Catholics, like Russia's current intervention in Ukraine for example.
Edited by Molag Bal: 5/22/2015 7:48:14 PMCatholics have the Pope and years of history that ultimately benefited the world (Crusades for example) What did Protestants do?
Us catholics don't worship Mary, but we pray to her. We pray to the other saints as well.
Overreaction I think. [spoiler]coming from a Protestant here. [/spoiler]
Catholics don't think of Catholics as Christians
Religion is poison. I can write words into a book as well. Science disproved all false beliefs.
Who cares what a WASP thinks.
Any true Christian wouldn't "hate" another because of simple differences in worship and belief. In my opinion, anyone with hate in their heart are even really Christians anyways.