originally posted in:Titanfall Headquarters
Gotta say, this was an excellent cinematic trailer. The hype train rolls on!
[url=https://twitter.com/VinceZampella/status/781292270725103616]Game confirmed to have gone gold.[/url]
Gonna be playing Titanfall 2? Join my group, Titanfall Headquarters: https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/1582723
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I'm looking forward to the campaign, should be good.
Stand by for TitanFall
There needs to be a gamemode where you play as the grunts, while AI play the pilots.
Ehhh I'll get it eventually. That TTK kind of ruined my first impression of the game. I'm going to keep my eye on it and wait till some things get smoothed out first.
Looks great. Pre ordered long, long ago.
It looks really cool but I'm still going to wait until after launch.
ANYTHING just to get pre orders. Nice trailer no doubt.
Really awesome trailer! I can't wait to play it
Can't wait
Awesome. The hype is real
That was an awful trailer.
Naa not hyped for tf2
Not bad. Bit disappointed with the narrative angle, though. In the first game, there was no good guys vs. bad guys, simply two sides to play as. Now we have this 'guvmint's screwin' us over, let's kill 'em' mentality. And whilst I side with that in theory, it's overplayed beyond belief in fictional settings.
I'm really looking toward to this game.
Cool! Hopefully I have time to play it!
rip hopes of a delay