We are launching an assault on the Death Star, I unfortunately will not be present in battle as my Y-Wing has been severely damaged. I am hoping all goes well and that the Force is with my fellow pilots as they attack that technological terror.
-Signal end-
You will not succeed! I, sadly, cannot participate in the defense, but I will be updated on Yavin's destruction.
This is the stuff I live to end the rebellious scum against the rightful order of the empire
Edited by Oxide: 4/12/2017 2:43:17 PM*Empire intercepts transmission* -Imperial Officer. "Ready all hands for an counter attack on our battle station deploy our advanced tie defenders to counter their enemy fighters." -Piett "I shall move the Executor out of range of the Death Star to ensure we do not collide."
Aldi final boss - old
It is treason then... -
Rebels destroy space station with millions of people on it. -good guys Empire kills a few thousand Jedi. -bad guys. Whaaaa????
And here comes Kyle trowing the DarkTrooper project out of the window. I want a post on that, even if it is legends
*Jumps in X-Wing * I'm ready to go.
Brb I have to tell Doctor Aphra to run before Vader finds her
I was going as well but the dog ate my lightsaber.......
Edited by Commander Tempu: 4/10/2017 10:36:46 PMRebel or imperial as it matters. Just pay me what i am worth and next time the imperials short change me i am stealing a star destroyer.
If you win some imperial stuff goes boom, I am with you, and so I JarJar
Sorry for putting the exhaust port in a conveniently space ship sized trench with enough room for a few proton torpedoes to go in. My bad 😉😉😉😉
Signal returns* daves not here man!
I put some plywood over the heat exhaust so now it's indestructible.
Dammit Porkins, you were supposed to cover him!
Terrorism isn't cool rebel scum
Rebel scum [spoiler][b][u]FOR THE EMPIRE EVEN THOUGH I LIKE THE REPUBLIC BETTER[/u][/b][/spoiler]
MY TORPEDOS ARE STUCK!!! IM DONE FOR [spoiler]boom[/spoiler]
Rebel scum.
Reported for terrorist propaganda! Rebel scum!