[b]Important[/b]: Next time I do a contest it will just be Amazon gift cards so that people don't get so sketched out lmao. I'm giving away $50 next month and $100 for December. So if you want some easy money you better brush up on your writing skills.
A. Wear a Batman Costume and approach people for one day saying, "I'm Batmaaaaaaaan!" And proceed to punch them in the face.
B. Gather your entire family and tell them all the dirty/perverted thoughts you've had over the years.
C. Go to work and twerk all over your boss while saying, "Who's the boss now baby!"
D. Go to any police station with Krispy Kreme doughnuts and ask, "You pigs want some doughnuts!" While snorting like a pig loudly and getting all up in their faces.
My family already knows my dark perverse thoughts from my stories and an incident in 7th grade.