While I understand the benefits/necessity of certain timed bounties, I don’t understand why daily bounties are timed. I understand wanting to safeguard against stacking bounties for power gains or what have you, but there are already safeguards against this such as the prime farming penalty.
The main problem with daily (24hr) timers for me is the limiting of player choice and time spent. If I’ve picked up all my crucible bounties for the day, I have a limited time to play, I may not be able to finish them all. No biggie there will be more tomorrow. But if I’ve made progress and can’t finish, I lose that progress. Additionally, the safeguard here is that if I still had this bounty after reset, completed it, then tried to get it again I wouldn’t be able to because I’ve completed that task for the day. So no worry of stacking there.
Now this is a minor annoyance, I’ll admit. But one that would give me a bit more agency. These are minor bounties as well, so the worry of power stacking really doesn’t apply here. Unless there’s a hidden mechanic in the RNG that increases good loot if you turn a bunch in at once. Either way, I’m safeguarded because all that time spent hoarding bounties to do this has kept me from doing more because of the number of bounties I can hold.
Even the idea of making sure we don’t get overloaded with too much to do just doesn’t outweigh the agency of managing that myself. That’s what the abandon button is for.
Yes, the bounty system is not suited for limited Game time....