Now, odd title, but hear me out. I started playing Doom: Eternal yesterday, and it got me thinking why I like it so much. Well, it’s because of the fast paced action and speedy movement. Okay, and that just made me think. Then, somewhere, I saw a reference to Dark Souls and it just kinda...clicked. I think I don’t like Dark Souls, because it’s a much slower game. In games like Doom Eternal or Hollow Knight with something like the Nightmare King Grimm fight, you have to keep moving, or you’ll quickly lose. There’s a bit of analysis you have to do, but this is while you’re dodge attacks after attack.
Dark Souls, you have to dodge at a slow pace, and slowly pick up on cues that show an enemies attack.
...I wasn’t intending on writing that much, but here we are!
Try Bloodborne. If you move slow in that, you're dead