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Edited by Wes: 10/14/2022 4:33:46 AM

"With MnK having higher stability, accuracy, and auto-aim..."

Huh. Interesting... So controller gives you reticle friction and a some help if you miss. MnK gives you the precision of MnK and MORE help if you miss (compared to controller) but no reticle friction. Straight from Bungie. MnK complaining about controller is kinda sad now to be honest. Like yikes. Yeah, controller has reticle friction, but MnK has [i][b][u]more of everything else[/u][/b][/i]. Edit: Clarification here. Not trying to "fuel the fire." My stance is simple: People who need help tracking moving targets need controller. Those that don't go to MnK. And both help you A LOT in D2, more than in any other shooter. And if you're gonna complain about controller, or MnK for that matter, at least get your facts in order. This "Controller is soft aim-bot" nonsense is just sad and isn't backed by any facts Bungie has provided. Come up with a better discussion, using [i]facts[/i]. Otherwise, as I said, it's sad. Just sad. Edit 2: "Bungie lies" is also not a very intellectual argument. Surprised I have to say that.

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  • Edited by Shirtless_Captain_Kirk: 10/14/2022 5:20:38 PM
    I like all the PC MnK guys in here trying to tell themselves they have more skill even after Bungo just said they walk with crutches. Some people will try to tell you the sky is purple. It's really pathetic. "It's a Bungie lie" "More flinch" "Not Lore Accurate" Like bro I'm dead 🤣🤣🤣💀💀🍼🍼🍼🍼

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    • You are doing what most controller players do to down play what controller aim assist actually does. Ignoring bungies dumb terms this is what aim assist actually does. Mnk Bullet magnetism, you miss slightly but aim assist makes it land. Basically larger hit boxes. Controller Bullet magnetism ^ Reticle Stickiness - reticle automatically tracks targets for you. Reticle Slow down - if you aim off the target the game slows your aiming down as if there is gravity keeping you on them. This whole mnk has more bullet magnetism omg line is quite frankly silly. Even if it's 15% like people claim(which I've tested both on pc with no noticeable difference at all) how do you think this remotely compares to the game aiming for you and essentially having a black hole on the targets head to pull you onto their head and also effectively prevent you from aiming in the wrong direction lol? This is why controller excels at dueling. If you try to go toe to toe with a controller players you are most likely losing even if the skill difference favors the mnk player. You strafe left the reticle stickiness reacts and follows you, the controller player can be aiming in the completely wrong direction and the reticle slow down will ensure it still won't prevent the reticle stickiness from tracking them. You'll notice the very good high end mnk players have very fast erratic movement and this is what allows them to excel vs controller players. The problem is 99% of mnk players aren't on this level and when they play fps games it's generally about landing your shots. Then there's d2 where even a bottom feeder controller player is gifted shots via a low grade aim bot being built into the game. Obviously the controller players get pissed when how absurd this aim assist is mentioned. They don't want to lose their advantage and will try every comical tactic possible to keep it. Hence why silly posts like these happen that basically say "you potentially have 15% larger hit boxes which makes our built in aim bot fair"!!!!

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      46 Replies
      • Edited by SouLFeeS: 10/17/2022 3:27:34 PM
        MnK has a higher skill ceiling, but once you get it, it’s light years easier to land precision shots. That’s the entire point. Console controllers, from day 1, weren’t designed for precision, and analog sticks have barely improved since. I’m not saying it’s impossible to be precise with a controller; I’m just saying there’s a reason we don’t write, much less draw, with our thumbs.

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      • They can use all the terminology they want, pick up one versus the other and the difference is night and day, not saying controller is broken op but the wording in the twab makes controllers sound like the objectively worse input that no one should use which is very much not the case.

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        11 Replies
        • If you play on PC the game practically plays for you. You’re basically just watching Destiny at that point.

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          • Edited by Dante: 10/14/2022 8:40:53 PM
   controller is legal aimbot in this game cronus is also a thing

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            4 Replies
            • M and K players. No respect. Console where the skill is. Just point and shoot on PC. Get those Youtubers on console. Cheaters all on PC. But know we need them to keep the playerbase high.

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              • As someone who has used a controller on PC throughout Vanilla and Forsaken. M&K has a higher skill ceiling definitely. Down from the movement to precise aim.

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                Lore-Deity - old

                Still no one has explained the fact that if m and k is such an easy mode and so much better why did controller players dominate faceit to such an extent… faceit 10s would probably be some of the best m and k destiny players in the world yet they just got dumped on by all the controller players…

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                12 Replies
                • Just fully open up cross play but then in PVP completely separate controller and MnK player pools It means PC, xbox and PlayStation guardians all play together but controller and MnK are both fully separate in all PVP This way they can finally tone down the overturned settings that honestly make this game a joke to play sometimes With last word on a controller I don't even have to aim and actually I bet last word can't even function without that aim assist.

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                • You didn’t even factor in macros, one of the most game breaking features imo.

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                  4 Replies
                  • This argument would never have arisen if some thoughtless fool hadn't introduced Destiny to PC. Should have been console only, and cross play should be scrapped. Someone should be held accountable for opening this Pandoras Box 🤬

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                    • They also said our shots would go where we aim when they released Aerial Effectiveness.

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                    • Per Bungie Dev on Twitter MnK has 20% better accuracy and stability , and 10-20% more auto-aim.

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                      8 Replies
                      • Edited by DuBChiri2: 10/15/2022 2:57:40 PM
                        I don't have much experience with mnk so when I tried destiny on pc for the first time...I absolutely couldn't hit ANYTHING. Well until I swapped off my auto rifle to a hand cannon and a sniper that is. THEN I started actually hitting shots. Bottom of the lobby still, but there's only so much I can do without muscle memory. I'm sure it's a VERY VERY similar experience for those that have little experience with controller, but I'd take learning a new input from scratch if it meant I get the type of control I can get from a mouse. Missing shots because the guns aim assist range doesn't allow the gun to shoot that far when damage fall off barely starts hitting, or having enemies next to each other dragging around the aim is such a pain in the -blam!-.

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                        3 Replies
                        • I imagine that the anti-controller arguments are perpetuated mostly by players who have never played the game using one, or at least they have never used one in a PC lobby.

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                          • Edited by Bore: 10/14/2022 3:28:54 AM
                            [quote]Huh. Interesting... So controller gives you reticle friction and a some help if you miss. MnK gives you the precision of MnK and MORE help if you miss (compared to controller) but no reticle friction. Straight from Bungie. MnK complaining about controller is kinda sad now to be honest. Like yikes. Yeah, controller has reticle friction, but MnK has [i][b][u]more of everything else[/u][/b][/i].[/quote] They’ve explained this plenty of times over the past few years. It will not stop people from crying over either of the inputs. Certain players can’t function without having a scapegoat for when they mess up.

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                            • Don’t let elsa hear you say this

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                              42 Replies
                              • This has been common knowledge for a while. It was stated by the lead weapons designer on a podcast a few months back but was always thought to be true since pc became a platform. Mouse and keyboard has massive advantages over controller but controller also has benefits. Both can compete and many people from both camps will argue one is more skilful than the other. It’s as childish as doing it with character classes or comparing stats and will sadly always exist.

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                              • It’s simple, ask any friends with both and EVERY one will say ‘it’s much easier with m and k.’

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                              • Spittin tbh

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                              • Both have advantages and disadvantages, use what you like. It's JUST a game.

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                                7 Replies
                                • Edited by Ben: 10/14/2022 10:24:09 PM
                                  People arguing over "skill" in the easiest, most casual, biggest cheesefest FPS made in the history of games is truly amusing. People boasting about "skill", whichever side they are on, bleed out in a matter of minutes in any other PvP game that is actually, genuinely competitive, whether we're talking about tactics, movement, or accuracy. Just play the game however you want, Bungie is constantly lying anyway.

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                                  Lore-Deity - old

                                  Just a reminder…. For all the controller Jim’s now thinking controller Is useless and at a massive disadvantage (feel this was bungies motive behind post) when faceit was around all the best players were ………… controller snipers …. Think there was one m and k player in the top 10 and 3 in the top 20… top 5 were all controller

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                                  34 Replies
                                  • MORE AUTO AIM ON PC 😂😂😂😂😂😂📸📸📸

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                                  • MnKB on console is the bigger issue and abused by scrubs. But being serious, bungies pvp focus is deckchairs on the titanic. No shottie or HC focus, joke changes on ARs, only used by low % in trials, will remain the same... etc.

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