Hello people i hope everyone is having a better in game experience than i am right now. I've been playing D2 since it began and i have not had any major issues until this last expansion started. Constant disconnections is the problem. I originally used wifi connection and it was fairly reliable until this expansion , so i hard wired my connection for a better connection that did not help, i called my internet provider and had them check my connection and it was good. My PC is only 2 years old and it was built for gaming and far exceeds D2 game requirements, i play other games like Warframe, Diablo 4, Path of exile,and i have no problems at all with disconnects in those games. I have more than 6300 hours played in D2 so i think i do like this game just a little. I have tried to use Bungie help to figure it out with no success their support is terrible. My question is, has anyone else had this problem and have you found a solution? I am mostly a solo player and i do feel that D2 is very unfriendly to solo players [my opinion]. I hope someone can help me with my problem because i like D2 and i believe Bungie is worthless when it comes to support. thanks Shawnee
Same issue I had tonight. I just keep getting error code after a few minutes after the encounter stats in a raid. What is going on with this AAA developer? It's just ridiculous.
This happens every fo often with Bungie servers Bungie will try to say it is in your network connection but it is 100% an issue with their servers or lack thereof. You just have to deal with it. It is EXTREMELY frustrating when you get kicked due to connection issues when you’re about to finish a long activity and have your start over since Bungie no longer allows checkpoints’
One of the three hamsters they use to power their servers got covid and died, the remaining two just can't keep up. Everworse is trying to save up enough silver to buy a new hamster to lighten the load but so far they haven't raised the required amount needed.
Its bungie