So I was unable to play destiny yesterday since the internet at my hotel wasn't working.
While I couldn't play, I felt sad and upset that I couldn't do my bounties or the daily. I felt like I missed out.
After I got back home today and played destiny for a few hours, I felt really happy and satisfied.
Something bugs the shit out of me though, that I missed out on one day. The one day I haven't logged in to play since launch. Its really frustrating.
The world hasn't ended, nor has my life. I just feel like this game has taken the top position as my favorite pastime. Its usually some sort of video game anyway(or book, movie, TV, board game, music), its just interesting that a game designed to be so monotonous can leave me wanting to come back again and again.
I think they found out a way to inject crack into my eyeballs, just from looking at my TV screen.
Thoughts are welcome and thanks for reading my first post.
I appologize if this ends up in the wrong category.
Edit: You guys are awesome. Thanks for all the comments so far :)
Edit 2: Holy shit guys we're trending the top 10. Way to go addicts lol
Edit 3: When I created this post, it was mainly for my own need to address my connection to this game. I felt I needed a way to see how far down the rabbit hole I had gone, so to speak.
I welcome all comments regarding others personal attachments (or detachments) from all types, not just gaming. We are all capable of indulging too much in something we enjoy. The key is to not let it consume you and find help if you feel it might.
That's the hardest part for me. Identifying and admitting when I start to indulge too much.
The comments posted here since this began have allowed me to see that WE are not alone. WE are united.
I want to thank everyone for their support, their information, their stories and personal experiences. Its you guys that I'm addicted to. You guys make this game fun.
Now get the F out of here before I roll you all up and smoke you.
I hear yah man. I hate destiny but I love playing it. DLC came out and as crappy as it is, I was scrambling to get the raid done and atleast one character to 31. Then I had to leave town just after Xur came and I am missing out on tons of shit. When I left Crota was still a bit of a mystery, not many people had beaten him. Only one chest was found. Now people are soloing whole portions of the raid and Crota is a bitch and I'm -blam!-ing stuck away from home until the reset and haven't even been able to do much. It's an awful feeling.
Every time I get home from work and load up Destiny.
Destiny is the Heroin of the gaming world. You hate it while you play, but can't wait to log back in when your off line
I'm addicted too. Here I am on the forum at work. I was doing pretty good and playing other games like DAI but then the dlc came out and.... I even watch twitch streams when I'm not home to play. OTL
I stopped playing from the beginning of November to when the DLC dropped never even got to 30 before the DLC lol
Get a gf, marry her, make baby's and your done Yes I'm experienced, I only play 1 night and for the rest of the week I'm withdrawing until that one night arrives again.
Don't you guys know that this was the point of bungie... they actually had someone come up with a formula to make the game addicting.. A friend told me the other day and I didn't believe it. Did some research and found the below reddit post.
Dont' worry, you're not the only one. My buddy and I were commenting on the topic last night about how the game is sooo addicting, even with the multitude of issues surrounding it. Like some have mentioned below, I too am one that if I'm not playing the game I'm constantly going back to the Destiny phone app to check stuff. I do need help. Cheers
They have it down to a science now. Look up game theory on YouTube and watch his video about candy crush and how games are addicting. They literally have us hooked on the stuff like we would be on crack. Dopamine is a hell of a drug.
Get professional help NOW!
I love the game even tho people bitch about every day! I think it's the best game out!
Wait... You carry a game console in your suitcase on trips? And you think you may have an addiction? Since I have a Wireless signal booster in my RV and Hotspot set up on my phone I guess I have the same problem.
I had an 8 am flight on Friday so I woke up extra early visited xur knowing it would be my only chance. I see the exotic helm emblem so naturally I'm hoping for arachnid. Can't buy it tho because I have 22 motes of light instead of 23. Have to settle for the helm he was selling and depression from not being able to get one more mote of light in time all weekend. I'm hooked mane even if a lot of people say destiny is more reggie than loud
I know what you mean. I've played nearly everyday except the two weeks prior to the DLC release because at that point I wanted it to feel fresh all over again. There are countless things about this game that do frustrate me, but for whatever reason I just keep coming back to play haha. I'll log on after I get off work in the morning thinking that I'll get a few bounties done and then take a nap, but then 5 hours has passed
I've been in withdrawals all weekend becuz I couldn't play
It's a Skinner box, playing this makes me remember the lesion from Psych 101 freshmen year. Your probably hooked and need to stop. They did design it to hook players and when you step out and look it's pretty terrifying.
Look up skinner and operant conditioning. This game is designed to get us addicted through random interval reinforcment. Basically we get rewarded for playing destiny with exotics and gear and so we continue the behavior anticipating the reward over and over strengthening the behavior. We are literally trained to play destiny by playing it.
You have a problem. Not a joke,but seriously. if you are that attached to a game then you should focus on other hobbies a while. Behavior like that is destructive
You're not the only one. I feel the exact same way. I have dreams about crazy is I love this game and I admit I'm addicted to it.
Dude,i missed it for 6days on vacation lol.I had fun on vacation but as soon as i got back,i grabbed a couple of buds to do nightfall and weekly
Gaming addiction is real, but is sometimes a secondary addiction. I was that way big time with World of Warcraft but it was also secondary. Was tough giving up WOW and all the alts and Main Raid character I built. Try to look under the hood and process why you need it so badly to find satisfaction in your day. I have a good balance with the console gaming now. If I start getting upset or frustrated I walk away. If I start becoming obsessed I walk away. I think you have to be comfortable walking away...sitting in that discomfort until it passes and realize you can go back to the game with some balance.
I look forward to Tuesday every week. Tuesday is like my Friday and I'm too tired to do anything so I just sit and play Destiny. 3 nightfalls, couple of raids, weeklies maybe. Unfortunately since the dlc dropped, there is so much I want to do, it's started creeping into my other days. What with trying to get my titan to rank 4 with Eris, and pumping xp into my new gear, I find myself sometimes playing when I really don't have the time.
I don't give a -blam!-, we'll go to the looney bin together Grandma's Boy anyone?
You didn't miss anything at all, same old bounties.
Pretty sure that I'm addicted. I just need my stuff levelled for the weekly content...