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Owners of the Exotic

Owners of the Exotic [OTK]

"You win some, you lose some."

This clan was created from the group Owners of the Katana, an organization made in 2007 in the Halo 3 era. This group was one of the largest communities on the site for many years, and was the last group to ever be chosen for the Halo 3 Favorites, with some files from the group being present up until the day the servers shut down in 2022. Over 16 years later, this clan's evolved purpose is to provide gamers a place for friendly, low stakes play in a variety of video games. All are welcome who can leave their anger at the door and can share their love for gaming with those around them.

  • Adhésion libre

  • 97 membres

  • Créé le July 16, 2014

Progression de la saison

Les clans permettent de déverrouiller des améliorations de personnages et des récompenses en atteignant les niveaux supérieurs. Plus le clan est actif, plus le niveau du clan est élevé.

Niveau du clan


0 Contribution au clan cette semaine

Membres (97 / 100)

Membre fondateur


  • relliK42

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