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Unspoken Wolves

« The wolf that shall keep it may prosper, but the wolf that shall break it must die. »

  • Énoncé de mission

    NOW this is the law of the jungle, as old and as true as the sky, And the wolf that shall keep it may prosper, but the wolf that shall break it must die. fight daily with honor, for pride; drink deeply, but never too deep; just remember the night is for hunting and forget not the day is for sleep. When pack meets with pack in battle, and neither will go from the trail, Lie down till the leaders have spoken; it may be fair words that prevail. When ye fight with a wolf of the pack ye must fight him alone and afar, Lest others take part in the quarrel and the pack is diminished by war. Ye may kill for yourselves, and your mates, never with any restrain; But kill not for pleasure of killing, and seven times never kill in vain. As the creeper that girdles the tree trunk, the law runneth forward and back; For the strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack.

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