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Trinary Light Alliance

« One Clan to join them all, One Clan to find them, One Clan to help them all and in Light bind them. »

  • Énoncé de mission

    We are here to connect different clans looking to find in-game allies and people to grow their ranks, servicing various clan-supporting platforms. Any clan and its members are welcome to join, and have their leaders/admins have a seat and vote in this chat. We are very community driven, helping other members or players as best we can. We openly discuss topics of any sort, from lore to strategy to promoting works of art. All we ask of players is that they treat others well and remember that we are all here to have fun.

  • Abonnements

    22 Membres
    Nombre total des usagers qui ont rejoint ce groupe
    7 Nombre d'années à titre de groupe
    Nombre d'années depuis que ce groupe a été créé
  • Administrateurs

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