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PS4 Raiding Raiders

« Death will Come to those who stand against Us »

  • Énoncé de mission

    This clan is solely for PS4 players who need players to help them with raid(s), NightFall, Weekly, etc. Requirements 1. Players have to be on the PlayStation 4 2. They have to tell there level, experience, and if they have a mic if they need help on a raid 3. No foul Language or Purposely Miss Spelling Bad Language (If notice you will be disbanded from this clan because this clan will be a nice, clean clan for everyone) If you make these requirements you will be gladly accepted into this clan...Happy Raiding:) Here are the names and websites of the clans that have joined our alliance: Selfless Raiders- Selfless Kings- Death or Glory- Guardians of Destiny-

  • Abonnements

    1845 Membres
    Nombre total des usagers qui ont rejoint ce groupe
    9 Nombre d'années à titre de groupe
    Nombre d'années depuis que ce groupe a été créé
  • Administrateurs

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