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1/20/2015 4:43:05 PM

Subject: Crota's End extremely unrewarding. No loot ever drops.

Agreed, the loot system needs a serious fix


My luck is OK I guess.


Hey gaiz, look at my full set of raid weapons >:)


Every time I have run Crota's end, I have received shards and energies (and on occasion a duplicate armor piece). Literally, the only times I haven't have been on my first runs, where you are guaranteed a weapon. Just had a near-perfect run, our only wipes were at the bridge when I got killed by exploding thralls. Yet every single drop, I get radiant energies. After killing Crota, I got 2 shards. This has happened to me in every single run ever since christmas (I believe that is 4 weeks straight now). What is wrong with this loot system? Aren't we supposed to get "fun" drops? You know, so I don't have to watch my teammates get Black Hammer and exotics from every drop while I get shards and energies? Which I barely even need anymore because my warlock is level 32 and I have 60 energies? Who else has awful luck in Crota's End??? I may just give up if hard mode is just as un-rewarding. [b]Tl;Dr: I call BS on Crota's End's system of supposedly "tracking fun drops". Hard Mode had better give something good or I give up[/b]

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