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Modifié par RoseScythe : 4/23/2015 7:24:19 AM

"It isn't cheesing if you're using a sniper rifle".

There seems to be a general consensus among a sub-set players on this forum that if you spend an entire encounter hiding in a [i]known[/i] cheese spot, picking disadvantaged enemies off with a [i]sniper rifle[/i], you're not actually cheesing. You're "sniping". You're not cheaply exploiting the limitations of the AI to virtually render yourself immune to damage. You're "sniping". Their usual rationale is that in real life, snipers engage targets from concealed locations, far beyond their range. [CheeserLogic] * Wiping on the oracle section in the vault of glass so you can safely pick them off from the spawn platform isn't cheesing. It's sniping. If you're using a hand cannon, it's cheesing though. Gotta have a sniper rifle. * Spending the Phogoth or Valus fight cowering in the shrieker room or under the ramp isn't cheesing. It's sniping from a concealed location. How else are sniper rifles meant to be used? To deal high damage to enemy crit spots? Puhlease.. You gotta hide. * Sniping the enemies from the tower during the CE bridge section isn't cheesing. It's sniping from a tactically advantageous position. Despawning the adds is a side effect of finding the perfect crows nest, duh. *If I didn't have my icebreaker equipped while pushing the templar off the edge with AOE grenades, this would totally be cheesing. It isn't though. [i]* Forcing Crota to kneel by disconnecting the host pre-patch wasn't exploiting a glitch. In real life, cyber attacks are sometimes used to cripple an enemy's defenses. It's a legit strategy![/i] [/CheeserLogic] If you're exploiting a known cheese spot, you're cheesing. Weapon choice doesn't negate this fact. Keep in mind that cheesing is not cheating per sé, it's merely a cheap method of completing an activity, hence the name. While it isn't inherently wrong, the fact that people are so unwilling to admit they "cheese" only highlights the community's view on these methods. EDIT: Bungie (unsuccessfully) patched the cheese spot under the platform on the Archon Priest boss fight. You could still occasionally be hit here, but were protected from 99% of the damage, while still being able to DPS the boss. The ramp and shrieker room locations during Valus and Phogoth allow you to do the exact same thing. These [i]are[/i] cheeses. TL;DR Sniping from a cheese spot is still cheesing.

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