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Modifié par ZHX1138 : 6/24/2015 11:10:54 PM

Guardians are working for the wrong cause.





I have no idea and I need more plot!


So, I've been playing Destiny for a long time since the beta. Here are my thoughts/speculations on the story races and character or plot. [b]Guardians[/b]: Helping the Traveler. But have no idea what is really going on and possibly we could be in effect aiding the destruction of Earth if the plot of this game doesn't get sorted out soon. I mean we kill everything in our path: Good, Bad and even the in between. Basically your a soldier do what you told and exterminate them all! [b]Traveler[/b]: Could be Good or Bad. Maybe it was good at first and then the Hive corrupted it and may possibly be resurrected to an evil state or good. Sort of like the Reapers in Mass Effect. [b]Hive[/b]: The Darkness in it's purest form with Oryx leading it (I think this has been speculated before.) Possibly wants to turn the Traveler into something evil. [b]Fallen[/b]: Space Scavengers in search of a new home but denied by the Galaxy due to there methods. Awoken mostly at odds with them and enslaving most of them and Guardians seem to want to kill them because they scavange our stuff on earth and the colonies. [b]Cabal[/b]: Obviously revealed to be running from the Hive and Vex. Basically Guardians are killing them when they are in fact trying there best to survive without our interference. [b]Vex[/b]: Cybernetic Organisms created from the Darkness and more then likely under the control of Oryx or the corrupt traveler (other posts have mentioned this.). [b]Awoken[/b]: Selfish beings who wish to exploit the Darkness and the Traveler for there own means (could be maybe the ultimate villan in the end if the Hive are not revealed to be that.). [b]The Stranger EXO girl[/b]: I really feel like she still holds the keys to the plot here and yet at the end of the first part of the launch of the game she just disappears and and says all ends are beginnings. With other lines like: One should always take a side good or bad." I really feel like were on a unknown good or bad side tbh. So far we don't have a ultimate goal other then shoot everything that has so quote [i]Darkness[/i] very ambiguous. We know for sure the Hive and Vex are the primary culprits. But the other groups, Cabal, Fallen and Awoken I feel need to have some sort of big even that forms a truce that forces us to work together. I feel like were blasting all these characters off the face of the galaxy for unknown reasons. Hopefully the Taken King Expansion reveals somthing big. Please share your speculations below. I'm probably bring up old news but. WE lack clarity. I read the grimoire cards and they read like everyone is getting jacked up by each other for no reason. Like were nukeing them off the planet just because they arrived with what looks like weapons so lets shoot these guys.

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  • Mine is very simplistic; The Vex are prototype Exos. The Fallen were originally the Crew of the Traveller. The Hive are the corrupted souls of those who either were or will become Guardians.

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    • The Fallen had The Traveler and were once a noble people The Darkness came and The Traveler ran The Fallen's collapse they called The Whirlwind possibly called that because of the traveler leaving in such a hurry, much like an airplane or helicopter taking off The Hive are the true Darkness and attacked The Fallen so viciously that they "fell" Both The Traveler and The Hive proceeded to chase The Traveler We found The Traveler on Mars, which began our Golden Age The Darkness and The Fallen came. The Fallen to reclaim The Traveler and The Hive to continue their fight against The Light The Traveler tried to leave us as well but Rasputin shot everything it had at it... Taking countless human lives The blast from Rasputin's attack on The Traveler also pushed The Darkness back, but not before contaminating The Traveler with The Black Garden... possibly to kill it from the inside or to take control of its powers heres where it gets fun (all speculation) The Vex were created by The Fallen, similar to our Exo After The Whirlwind, The Vex began to worship The Darkness (possibly even wanted to go back in time to become the leader of The Darkness) Oryx is the leader of The Darkness, whatever it is that "takes" The Taken is The Darkness Osiris through his research of The Vex figures out how to master time travel... Inadvertently becomes Oryx ( both names are derived from Egyptian lore. also a possibility based on the ramblings from Master Rahool) creating a Time Paradox The reason for The Cruicible is we have to prepare to fight a Guardian... The Cabaal are running from The Darkness because they were being "taken". A master war race would be the perfect army to control and eventually The Cabaal will be an ally I dont think The Fallen will ever be an ally, only because they will always want The Traveler back Bungie has always liked twists and turns in their stories, and also likes to dip heavily into ancient societies and religions... to throw a realitivly new theory into a sci fi game (time pardox) wouldnt surprise me.. where the story goes from there i have no idea all guess work

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