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Modifié par exterminatorFUA : 6/25/2015 6:38:49 PM

What is 20 dollars worth?

As many of you know, house of wolves alone cost $20. HOW includes shaders, ships, weapons, endgame activity, bounties, missions, and hundreds of items. Now Bungie wants me to pay $20 for 9 items that are cosmetics? I understand, I repeat I understand, that I don't have to buy the upgrade. But just like anyone else, I do want the upgrade. All I want to point out is that these nine items are not worth $20, and that they should really lower the price to about the five dollars that they are truly worth. Edit: Its not about how much money I'm willing to spend. I don't think $20 is a lot. Also, I understand that bungie can charge what they want. I love Destiny, and bungie, but I just don't think $20 is necessary for these 9 items. It's a simple opinion is all, and that's all I'm saying. Whether I buy it or not is up to me.

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