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Modifié par McHarmonies : 7/8/2015 2:59:03 PM

For the story inclined of us, are you satisfied with the promises for better story and characters in TTK?

For those of us who feel the storyline and plot of Destiny fell miserably short of their expectations, are you satisfied with the current press releases pertaining to the overhauled method and delivery of the new story? If so, why? If not, why not? This is being billed as a full on expansion, not just DLC. How many new missions do you feel there should be? Finally, were you satisfied with the cast of characters from the original game(launch. DLC can be discussed here as well though)? Or maybe you feel like the story doesn't matter. Feel free to comment on that as well. Thanks for your time. Just curious on the community's feelings about the story.

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  • I this at this point it's kind of hopeless to save the story. It might get a little better but I don't think it'll ever be the way we wanted it to be. I've just said "whatever" & I'm satisfied with looking to the grimoire for story. I also love the lore lol there's some deep shit in there. It's sad that none of this was in the game because Bungie can really make some awesome cinematics. I wonder if anyone even remembers who the Traveler is? The Exo Stranger? It's been sooo long since they've appeared in the game.

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