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Destiny 2 sera mis hors ligne demain pour une maintenance programmée. Restez à l'écoute de @BungieHelp pour des mises à jour supplémentaires.


publié à l'origine sous :Knights of the White Tree
7/24/2015 3:55:41 PM

PSN Message Group

Knights, Just wanted to send a little tidbit out. When you are added to the message group, you will get messages from everybody in the clan. If this annoys you, there is no reason to leave the chat, just go in to your PS settings, then Notifications and turn of messages. You will have to check it regularly, but I can tell you it saves me some stress when I'm right in the middle of a PoE, raid, crucible, etc. Please contact Smiths or I for any questions about end game material. #KOTW FTW
#ftw #kotw

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