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7/31/2015 10:24:02 AM

Unnecessary Douchery, on Both Sides. [Bans]

First off, I would like to thank Bungie for enforcing the rules of simply, no cheating. Period. Second, if you were a cheater you got what you deserved. Bungie went easy on you. If you are leaving posts about how you got banned unfairly, personally, I think you should just have your ban extended. And finally, third. The worst part of this is all of the backlash. [b]Stop it.[/b] It's immature and childish (Like 100,000 other things people say or do on the internet. Please don't add to the sub-total.) It's like pointing and taunting like a kid, you saw your brother sneak his hand in the cookie jar and got caught by his mom and/or dad and is being punished, and now your sneering and gibing at him. This isn't acceptable as adults [u]or[/u] teens. You don't even know if Bungie did mess up and somehow the person you left a snide remark on was that 1% that didn't cheat. Everyone makes mistakes, even ([b]*cough*[/b] especially [b]*cough*[/b]) Bungie.

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  • Modifié par Unforgiven : 8/1/2015 3:45:13 AM
    This is actually a lot worse than taking a cookie from a cookie jar. And it is also quite funny seeing them deny it. Its quite humorous actually. I don't feel bad about it at all. I think its great what Bungie did to clean up their game. And I have noticed that a lot of people on the forums are also in agreement. I am adult 34 by the way. Just so you don't call me a kid or something.

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