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7/31/2015 4:59:14 PM

Dealing with losing loved ones.

We all know that eventually our grandparents will pass (I say grandparents because I assume most of you are younger than 40, but it applies to all family/loved ones), or that our pets won't live forever no matter how badly we want them to; and when the inevitable happens it's a heavy blow to us all. Now I want you to think about the condition your loved ones were in before they passed; be it your dog was old and they had a hard time getting around, or your family member was extremely ill. Personally, my grandmother and grandfather on my mother's side both died from cancer, I was younger I think around 13-14 when my grandfather died; I was saddened that I never really had the chance to get to know him better due to problems between my mother and him, but knowing that he'd been battling brain cancer for a little over a year I came to the conclusion that he's finally at peace. Now look to your loved ones again, I don't want you to cry because they're gone, again I understand it's a horrible feeling, but instead think about the memories you two shared and find some form of solace in the fact that they are no longer suffering. Death is inevitable, and while we all grieve differently I want you to remember that your loved ones would not want you to shut down after they pass. If you're religious, wouldn't you think they'd love to watch you from up above grow into the young man/woman they'd be proud of? Don't forget about them, always hold them dear to your heart, but never stop living your life because they lived theirs. As always, if there's anything you'd need to talk about you're more than welcome to send me a PM. Have a nice day.

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  • Modifié par technoguy1754312 : 8/10/2015 1:39:30 AM
    I remember 2 years ago November I met my grandpa. I got to hangout with him I was 19 he showed some pictures and talked a little. He looked poorly sick one leg and barely breath. I help clean his car and fix it even try to learn some history. After a few days I head back home and 1 year later he pass 4 months later and it hit me hard. But now he gone I still know he was glad to see me one last time now I'll know rest peacefully. Died of a heart attack

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