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Modifié par Recon Number 54 : 8/17/2015 5:08:37 PM

How are these people not banned yet!!!!!

How are these people allowed anywhere near this game still?! Get these cheaters banned please!!!!!! [quote]Ninja Edit [spoiler]I've taken the liberty of removing the video of the person(s) who you stated were cheating. While forum posts and videos SEEM like a great way to help with cheaters.... other than raising awareness, they don't do much to help get rid of them. Mostly due to the fact that a video is what a player saw on their console, which (sadly) isn't always a complete picture of what happened in the game and on the network (one console in a MP match is not the full story). A forum post and/or a video will NOT get anyone banned from the game. Ever. The people who investigate cheating, exploits and network shenanigans aren't cruising the forums, they won't see the thread/vid, and it's not how they collect their data. [url=][u]Bungie takes reports and game bans VERY seriously[/u][/url], and so they carefully research those reports against their server logs for actual shenanigans (cheating/exploits). If those reports and the investigation bear fruit, the cheaters will be dealt with. But things like making a vid, creating a topic, and/or naming them here serves no purpose and has no benefit. If you have used the in-game report tool, then you've done your part. And thank you for doing so. [url=][u]Click here for more information[/u][/url][/spoiler][/quote]

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