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8/21/2015 2:12:59 AM

I for one am pretty stoked

Rift!!! That other chaotic playlist with fastcharging abilities! New PvP maps! (Seriously, getting tired of cauldron) A better UI! A new list of exotics to chase after! No more thorn nonsense! New enemies to kill! Another raid! Less self-entitled morons ruining the community! (Seriously, you don't like it, gtfo. I'll spend my money how I like) Upgraded Suros! Better way to grind for faction nonsense! No longer have to wait till reset to grind and buy stuff! New sparrow! (Please be a tumbler variant, started too late to get one) Class items are actually good for something! You can actually find ghost shells now! Finally a reason to go back to mars! Xur might sell stuff I care about again! Oh, and before I forget.... NIGHTSTALKER NIGHTSTALKER NIGHTSTALKER NIGHTSTALKER NIGHTSTALKER NIGHTSTALKER SMOKE GRENADES! WALL OF FIRE (void light) Poor man's Thor! Pretend you're emperor Palpatine! (True mage blink!) More stuff to do! Nolan North! More lines from Nathan Fillion! Mother-blam!-ing more story!!!! Get off your high horse oh salty scrubs of year one. Oryx is coming to town.

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