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9/9/2015 7:15:50 AM

Nolandroid Appreciation Thread

(I'm gonna get so much hate for this.) But seriously, I feel like Nolan North has done a better job than Peter Dinklage overall in re-voicing the old content. He seems to have a [b]light[/b]-hearted feel to his voicing (get it??? c:). At least the icy cold seriousness of Dinklebot is gone. I feel the Ghost is played better with a lighter feel to it. Also, on certain lines, I think it's funnier as Nolandroid than Dinklebot (Careful, it's power is... -dramatic pause- Dark.) And for those who think Nolandroid is the worst thing to ever hit Destiny, please hold judgement until you see the Taken King's lines. That's why he was hired in the first place, to supply lines for the Taken King content. -prepares to get hit by hate-

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