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9/10/2015 8:35:10 PM

Nolan north ........ Really

[quote]I desperately want to convey how I feel about Nolan North's translation of my Ghost in a mature, responsible, constructive manner so that you can take the communities, overwhelming, response and fix it. It is a challenge. You took something that was, AT WORST, a forgettable performance by Peter Dinklage. And turned it into something that is actively annoying, immensely frustrating and all-around disappointing. Whenever my Ghost tells me to do anything, I am abruptly removed from my, otherwise, immersive experience; and find myself feeling overwhelmingly irate at this prepubescent pop star with some strange Helium addiction, telling me what to do because he had some accidental run-in with a science book. Bitch? I'm the Mother-freaking Guardian who killed a GOD. I'm the only reason the universe still exists, as we know it. And I'm the one getting ready to take on the FATHER of the GOD I previously KILLED. And your balls haven't even dropped yet? YOU'RE my freaking sidekick? My omnipresent life-source of unimaginable power?? Is this a joke? In all honesty, I commend you for attempting to rectify a "narration continuity" problem for the sake of the game. But unfortunately you missed the mark, fairly heavily. Right now we are all just disappointed. Your response to our disappointment is what will determine our lasting impressions of Destiny. I also realize the immense undertaking it was to re-voice all the previous content and the new content. I see it and am sympathetic to it. In understanding all it takes to re-animate just one character in a massive game like Destiny, I can only think of two viable options.. Give me a mute button or give me death.[/quote].

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