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10/7/2015 11:36:07 PM


So, first there was the black spindle that came out at 20 points higher than someone important at Bungie thought it should, an announcement about it being reduced to normalize it with the other exotics comes out, and is instantly met with so much negative criticism that not only do you not provide any kind of update as to what was decided, you don't even go through with the reduction. For almost two weeks. You had your chance with the hotfix, you had your chances at the weekly updates, but instead you do something else. You announce micro transactions! Instantly, the post about the black spindle is buried under thousands of posts about an already controversial topic as addition to your game. But wait there is more! To further hide this announcement, you make the starting quest chain for the most controversial and unobtainable item in the game available. Something that hundreds if not thousands of people had been working at trying to figure out how to begin since TTK launched. So of course this would cause quite a commotion. After all, it wasn't something [i]they[/i] weren't doing, it was something [b][i][u]YOU[/u][/i][/b] hadn't done all along. So beware Bungie. I am on to your little game you are playing with the people who [i]pay[/i] for your paychecks. And it's only a matter of time before I'm not the only one huddled in a corner clutching a bag of Doritos and sipping Mountain Dew while wearing my spinmetal hat...
#Destiny #trap #Plot

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