Note: If you have any suggestions for this idea or corrections to my grammar, spelling or lore, they are all very much appreciated.
Acting as mobile turrets, Phoenix have a protective dome covering them prior to their activation. When attacking, they have a long serpentine body, with a head rimmed by tendrils and a singular eye. When they are flying, the base of the dome changes to floating ring around their body.
Their primary attack is to charge up a volley of Solar blasts that while inaccurate, can cover a wide area. While moving around, they can charge an attack that causes a large Solar AOE around them that lasts for a short period and makes them resistant to damage. Finally, while they are attached to surface, they can blast a powerful gust of energy that deals damage to players and forces them back.
These Vex have 4 spider like legs and a large ornate head that acts like mobile turret. The head has a series of spikes and antenna that retract and extend whilst it is attacking. This enemy can fire blasts from its head in any direction and can even fire in 2 directions at once.
Sphinx can project a floating barrier, similar to a Hydra's in front of itself and any nearby Vex. However, hitting it's precision spot while disable it's shield. It also has an attack where it while curl into a ball, surround itself with a forcefield and roll at the players.
A manta-ray like flying vehicle operated by a Vandal pilot. Fallen Gliders hover above the battlefield and can harass multiple Guardians as well as take large amounts of punishment. The Glider comes equipped with dual Void blasters, similar to the S.A.B.E.R, mounted on the edges of its wings, can deploy Solar bombs from its rear and has two heavy Solar rocket launchers on its base. It can also fire streams of Arc energy from its front and fire a very powerful blast of Arc from an energy core in its face.
To damage the Glider, players have to shoot it's critical spot but this will move from the front and back of the vehicle and become protected by heavy armour if it takes to much damage. While the Glider has armour near the front, it cannot use its heavy Arc cannon and when it has armour at the back it cannot drop its bombs.
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