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Modifié par Noble Six : 11/1/2015 4:59:32 PM

Game Froze my console completely for the first time today [PS3]

So I was in the tower, decrypting blue engrams (I had about four in a row to decrypt). As the final engram was decrypting out of the four, the screen completely froze up while displaying the animation and icon for the new item popping up. I waited for about a minute with no response. The PS button on the controller did nothing, as did any other button press. I had to hard reset my PS3. This is the first time this has ever happened after playing since last March. I have noticed a lot more frequent glitches since 2.0.0 came out where the game appears to freeze while processing something, but usually it remains frozen for at most a couple of seconds. This was the first time it froze and never came back.

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