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10/7/2014 8:08:18 PM

Iron Banner sucks

WTH Bungie!? I am so angry right now. I was in the iron banner event and some guy who was several levels lower than me actually did damage to me! What is the he point of grinding for all this legendary gear if people can still hurt my character??? I should be able to wade through a group of level 16s and have their bullets just bounce off me like RoboCop. I should be like the Terminator when he's going through the police station to kill Sarah Connor. And all of my level 28 bullets should be hitting these guys so hard that they explode. Each round from my Red Death needs to have the force of a thousand gorillas behind it. And my melee attacks should be on par with getting punched in your magical death spots by Kenshiro in Fist Of The North Star. Nobody should enjoy this game but me because I bought it and my $60 investment should dictate the decisions of a multi million dollar company trying to improve the experience of the game for an entire player base. But my $60 makes me special snowflake and I demand that you cater to my needs.

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  • The thing about Iron Banner is that it's LEVEL that matters. So players that are only good at the game are only going to be the ones that win. In short, Iron Banner is a horribly failed experiment. I like to think of it as this: [b]Communism is the Crucible.[/b] Everyone has the chance to win as long as they try. [b]Capitalism is Iron Banner.[/b] Those who are already won get to win again. Don't try Iron Banner if you're looking at it for an opportunity to get good gear. You'll just get turned around and f-cked in the ass.

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