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Modifié par BetrayedRhino85 : 1/26/2016 7:00:10 PM

Iron Ban-- An 'Iron Man' parody (Should clarify-- Iron Man the song....not the movie or character ;)

[b][u]IRON BAN[/u][/b] I....WILL....IRON.....BAN!!! Have they lost their minds? Iron Banner's Rift this time! Can you grab that ball? Can you even play at all? Is he alive or dead? I can't tell, his bar is red! "The Red" we all share. Does Bungie even care? Rift! Are you for real? With a new matchmaking feel! Forums filled with grime. No IB for some this time! [i][b]Nobody wants Rift! It makes some want to hurl. Skipping this banner, In a ball they'll just curl![/b][/i] Now the time is near, To lighten the atmosphere. Compete if you crave, And to the Lords you are a slave. [i][b]Some people like Rift! But no one likes "RED". So many complaints. Makes me just want to cringe![/b] [/i] Heavy weapon spawn. In this IB we'll fight on! Running to the Rift, "OH MAN!" Grab those balls if you can! [spoiler]Disclaimer-- Just having some fun with a horrible parody. I'm too easy going to get worked up over what game IB is/isn't this time. So, I'll either join in IB...and the grind...and the frustrations...and the laughing at myself. Or I'll just find something else to have fun with and laugh over. I just have read so many rants/complaints (and many are surely justified) and wanted to try to lighten the mood a little bit. I'd rather laugh than complain...or just move on. This parody was just to display some of the popular posting, put on display here on the forums.[/spoiler] Happy Iron Banner-ing or Iron Banning to all!

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