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1/28/2016 6:05:24 PM

A Test For Bungie

Prior to the change of management at Bungie it was made clear that no one at Bungie, except Cozmo (and deej, sometimes), actually reads the foums. The developers do not. That was stated. Anything written here is, for all intents and purposes, for the community. Cozmo reads them. How many or what percentage? No clue. But he reads them and passes the information on as best he can. But that's the entire problem: "As best he can." Cozmo is a messenger (no offence, Cozmo) and at the whim of Bungie's PR department and the Activision Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). His hands, and his tongue, are tied. And that's the problem. We, the community, are the ones that keep this game (and the company behind the game) alive. We are the ones that ultimately decide whether Destiny goes on to become the greatest game of all time, or dies quietly, shrivelled in the corner, hidden under an unread copy of "Business For Beginners." How? With our money. If Bungie is serious about the future, and makes the changes necessary, we will support them. And (potentially) they could go on to become the amazing company they used to be. But if they continue down the path that, until now, has caused untold animosity amongst the community and outright hatred toward Bungie, we can choose not to give them our money. And they will die quietly, forgotten, like the countless number of copies of Destiny that have already been returned. What you choose to learn from this - indeed, IF you choose to learn from this - is entirely up to you. I recommend the following: Honesty Respect Modesty Integrity The rest will take care of itself. This is a test of the community feedback forum. Is anyone listening... now?

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