Within seconds of looking at DOOM's cover I'm just confused. It doesn't at all capture what the game is. Remember DOOM 1's cover? Badass. A marine stands against an army of demons in Hell. 90% of the story is explained just in that image. If "DOOM" wasn't plastered on it I wouldn't have any idea what game this was.
Just check this out. It could be anything. Yes, even bomberman.
Remember seeing the E3 2015 key art?
That looks good. It really isn't that much different, but it looks cool. It pictures a Revenant firing his shoulder-mounted missiles, signifying action and danger, two things DOOM is all about.
Now I'm not all that upset, it's just the cover for god's sake. I'm actually looking forward to the game and have high hopes based on what I've seen from the trailers, but still keeping my expectations cautiously low. I'd just like a quick revision before it ships out.
It's changed now to resemble the original
Brooding space marine with a gun will appeal to a "wider audience" of frat boys who have no prior care about the game. GG Bethesda
I feel like the new DOOM game will ruin itself. It looks TOO advanced and all that. I thought I was watching a Halo 6 demo thanks to the graphics and designs. Like I said. I'm afraid the nostalgia of the original DOOM will die pretty fast
They should have remade the original cover art. Now [i]that[/i] would have been badass.
The cover needs a mix of both, the soldier looks badass but is overused, while the Revenant looks great except it seems like its lacking. My idea would be the Doom guy standing there with a bit of blood on him while a "demon" (whatever those zombie guys are) or even a pile of them are laying on the ground. Then we see smoke coming out of his shotgun, that gives it the blood and gore we know while also letting us know it's a DOOM game.
OP has a point.
Ask me about the DOOM alpha. I played it and captured gameplay of it on my phone. I have no idea if I can share it or not.
Who gives a fork?
I like the second doom poster
I get its a reboot, but cmon, its 2016
Maybe some mutilated corpses with bullet ridden skulls behind him would look a little better.
Yeah, it's just cover art..... but it definitely doesn't tell you at all what the game's like. Couldn't it still be changed though? Or is that like, official official stamp of approval gone gold cover art???
Modifié par Nate9090 : 2/15/2016 1:06:22 AMWhile I agree with most of the people here that the cover art doesn't matter much, it is disappointing that it's so boring especially considering what they had to work with. It seems they went with the Bioshock Infinite approach of "make a generic cover to entice the non-gamers to pick it up" which didn't go too well for them since Bioshock Infinite waaaaay undersold for how good it was.
It will be good as long as: There is gore It's really fast paced Shotgun is OP
Yikes. That is bad.
Do I hate Mars bars
Cover art doesn't take priority for me. I just hope they got rid of the excess gore that made the game seem like a 13 year old boy fantasy more than a mature shooter
It sucks but I'm not that bothered because the game looks great. As for the second cover art you posted, that's the one they're using for the collectors edition.
[quote]A lone marine stands against an army of demons in Hell.[/quote]
Modifié par Tuxx : 2/13/2016 3:12:57 AMThe cover art for most games suck now.
If the marine was much more green then it would look a lot better. It's too yellow/brown which is why it's you could 'shop any other shooter title on it and it will work.
I don't see how cover art defines a game. Granted it's cool when there is one but it doesn't matter all that much.
Modifié par Cheez_Lad : 2/13/2016 3:06:11 AMI think if the green was a bit brighter and the background a bit redder it would be recognizable as Doom.
That's actually pretty good. Like you said: that cover can go with basically any title.
That was freaking hilarious.