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publié à l'origine sous :Art and Stuff
Modifié par Progo : 2/21/2016 11:32:56 PM

-Contest Closed-

EDIT: Contest closed, I will try to get the winners chosen and announced tomorrow :) This one is simple. Using whatever artistic ability you possess, no matter how great or small, art me up some deadpool fanart. It needs to abide by the CoC, and be your own work. Three winners get $10 in the gaming currency of their choice. [b]Dead[/b]line is to submit [i]before[/i] Sunday, Feb 21st. You can submit up to 3 pieces. Only one can win a prize. Humor matters as much as artistic skill here, the playing field is level. Go! (special thanks to Prometheus [best ninja] for lending me a hand with this one)

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