All it is, is a record of your playtime & tendency to waste hundreds of hours doing petty things (Doing the same mission over and over to kill Ogres, or Hydras). This isn't an "achievement", it's a joke, a tool used by Bungie to extend the playtime for saps foolish enough to fall for this. Having max Grimoire doesn't not mean you are better than anyone. It is only their to hone egos. It certainly doesn't deserve an emblem.
So to those, [b][i][u]who think you are so great because of this[/u][/i][/b], go outside and socialize, play other games, do anything that is Productive.
- There are even Groups based on Grimoire, it only encourages further Elitism, the bane of these forums.
- Winning "X" amount of games in Crucible = Playtime, not skill. Anyone can get it if they bang it out enough.
- It does represent Experience - to a certain extent. around 4300. after that, you're as experienced as anyone else.
- This topic was suggested by a friend, hence why I hid my Grimoire, He will now be taking over the mantle. So you's can stop going on about my grimoire.
I read the whole post but only recall two things about it. - doesn't not - bang it out enough
Modifié par Marm : 4/6/2016 5:39:29 AMi guarantee no one has more grimoire with less playing time than me. let me know if you do edit: i expected more salt
Yes. Yes it does. For proof of that see all the low grim score players scratching their head in court of oryx this week.
I wouldn't even say 4300. Probably 4000+ and you've done enough to be competent in most activities.
Modifié par Cyberjovi 2021 : 4/6/2016 4:20:19 AMGrimoire is literally one of the most important indications that a player is experienced in this game, and the fact that you can see it as a number attached to your account makes it even more prevalent. I respect a high grimoire because it means you've done a lot, you were around for everything, and based off of your experience and time with the game, you probably have a much better opinion on current events as it relates to Destiny. TL;DR: Grimoire means a lot, people who say otherwise are just salty. [spoiler]OP has zero grimoire ;) [/spoiler]
I've noticed no one has liked your post yet...
100 rumble wins = some sort of skill. Unless you boosted.
I only look at ppl's grim to see if they Are a noob nothing more
I've become addicted to the chase , but never expect to hit max
Wrong. Bungie added a secret grimoire score for tbags soon. What do you do when you tbag? You squat. Tbag=squat so squat=grmoire [spoiler]get rekt[/spoiler]
Guess with that 1200 grimoire you would be salty
Modifié par Vrchue : 4/6/2016 3:51:59 AMSoooo... If I see someone with a 155 grimiour in patrol, I should invite them to trials and suspect that they're good at PvP, your answer is probably yes, cause you know grimiour doesn't mean squat!
Your grimoire score is low cause u suck bra
I hate posts like this. We get it! You vape!
Modifié par SantyMat91 : 4/6/2016 5:46:00 AMDude. Some people like me like grinding grimoire. I like playing a level a thousand times. As long that i can shoot some aliens im happy. Also it could be a race among friends. Also dont complain about other people doing what they like to do. Autism spectrum people and AD(H)D players like to grind same things (not all of them of course bedause every human has different brain). So dont let players read your post. It is easy to insult people. Of course some people regret hours playing destiny and i guess this would be you then? But yes. Grimoire doesnt make you a better skilled player. Greets Santy
Modifié par Trek : 4/6/2016 5:40:18 AMIt's funny how these posts are always made by people with low grimoire. Same for the 'KD doesn't matter', posts. I don't care about grimoire - just pointing out the above. Also, is your name supposed to be Snipper, or Sniper? Right now it says snipper, as in scissors (snip, snip). Sniper has one P.
I'd have to agree with this. You're completely right in that it demonstrates [b]a willingness to grind[/b] and not necessary one of skill. If grimoire somehow tallied average event completion time, your average target acqusition time, overall accuracy, headshot percentage per bullet fired or other measures of actual skill, [i]then[/i] it might make sense to hold it as some kind of benchmark. Until then it doesn't.
[quote][i][b]It's a trap![/b][/i][/quote]
I agree. My grimoire is shit.. But I can run any raid flawless. I've been to the lighthouse tons of times, and even do carries. I do double carries on the Black Spindle mission (some people think it's the hardest thing ever) I know it's not though. I've played with people who have max or close to max grimoire and I'm much better than them.. Idk how that's even possible..
Get a higher Grimoire score then we'll talk.
Oh boy another salty noob post
It's safe to say that the higher your grimoire, the more experienced you are with the overall activities in destiny. Of course, I've played since launch yet I haven't even beat Oryx yet. I'm more of a pvper and have a lower then 4500 grimoire. I just can't get into the game like I did in year 1. I'm a rare case however. Especially when it comes to PVP, experience does not translate to skill.
Under 4800 grimiore > not a year 1 player > kicked
Grimoire, medal score, k/d Any stats that you think of is irreverent. Just have fun and do what you want. It's a bloody game. I have nearly max grim cause I want to. Not so I can brag. It's my own goal that I want to reach. Just go out there and have fun meat friends and stab some aliens.
You're right. The true meaning of grimoire is [quote]a manual of magic or witchcraft used by witches and sorcerers.[/quote] While it's unrelated to Destiny, it's the meaning of it. 😉